Pcomp Final Proposal Part 2
I am going to make playful experiences for musical expression.
Here is my playground:
1. Baton of the nature 2. Trampolines instrument 3. sound swing

1. Baton of the nature
For the first final project, I worked with Nianqi and Yunze. During our ideation stage of working, firstly we simply want to have a fun experience for people connecting to their surroundings by both musical and visual ways. Thinking of music and connection, the orchestra first came to our mind. And we were thinking the roles of conducting in a band is similar of the roles of a person in his own environment.
Based on the interaction between conducting and his band, we came up the idea of let people conduct the nature/their surroundings by using a baton.
For the concept:
I was always aware of the relationship between human and their surroundings. We are friendly balancing our needs and protections from the nature in current days, it reminds us the "power" that we have to do things in/of the nature, and the "power" has its own balance for keep the balance among us. So with the use of baton to represent the "power" that we have to control or protect the nature or our own environment, and let people conduct a musical expression in the outside real world.

There is a limitation of the power that we have that for our environment. And we will transform how to show the limitation into sound, when users play too aggressively, the sound will sounds annoying/massy.

Distance sensor, color sensor
Accelerometer sensor/Gyro sensor(MPU 6050)
Ableton Live/ Max/MSP
Multiple Serial communication? Ableton can only receive the NOTE value?
How would you like to interact with baton? How to play?
2. Trampolines instrument
Following the previous blog post that I mentioned, the trampolines instrument is my second project proposal. because the basic logic and technical side of these projects are similar, so I want to do both of them for a collection piece. (Maybe?) But I will firstly focus on the first project
3. sound swing
It will be an instrument that generating music/sound by people's movements while they are on the swing.
depends on 3 variables:
1. how high or low the swing is
2. how fast or slow the swing is
3. where are the hands on the robe
Tools might be
1. acclerometer sensor/gyro sensor
2.distance sensor
Prototype 1 try
trying to do serial communication between Arduino with sensor and softwares.
For the bills of materials