This is the final step of finishing my angry huggers! I am so exciting about it.
I am going to do 3 final hamburger huggers. Huggers are modeled by using the 3D modeling software C4D, and after finalizing those modelings, I 3D printing them with 3D printers. Here are my huggers that can be physically touched!
Next step will be sanding and painting.
I want to give them really different characteristics. So I chose the metal, light, and dirty colors for painting them.
The half half color chose is want to show the original of the toy, and after half painted it, I make the other side that unpainted be like "burned" like.
And after repeat and is my final paint job.
This is the first and original one that I did before. The shape and color is a little bit different. But after packaging and repainting, I decided to keep that and make it a special edition.
And I bring it to Chicago for some sightseeing. :D

The final show!