Week 1
I am gonna make a wood toy! Super exciting. ><
I draw a few simple ones in class, but none of them I really satisfied with. I randomly talk to friends about that little wood pieces. During the talking, suddenly by picking up a wood toy, I felt I can feel something comes out from the bottom...! A poop!?
And here is the poop boi idea came out.
After thinking about what else will be playful to see under a toy. Then the Hide-man series comes out.
Some thoughts...
playful toys or toys with high conceptuals
Now I try to make the poop boi look like want to pee and try to hide his pee. The angle of his face is important, because it shows how the emotions showing up. I want to make him look a little bit looking up, like this.

And for the chicken chic and spider guy.
Fabrication processes of shaping woods! so much fun.
Final process, painting it.
HW 2
Character Turnarounds

Here is my inspiration...I want to make a QB